3D Tic-Tac-Toe Written By Mathew Dredge HISTORY 3D Tic-Tac-Toe was written for an Interactive Input Output Design assignment for the Advanced Certificate In Computing IO200 course. What you see is what I came up with. Having the game playable was not one of the criteria but I did that anyway. The program was written using Borland C++ 4 and ObjectWindows 2. Read the help file for info on how to play etc.. FEATURES 3D Dialog Boxes Computer Player with 3 modes of difficulty. Human Players. Context Sensitive Help. Running Statistics 3D or 1D games Rotatable game board or grid. And much more... INSTALLING... Just use the supplied installation program or if there isnt any follow these instructions. 1. copy the files to a directory e.g. c:\3dtictac 2. put the 3dtictac.exe into the program manager games group, then run it 3. press f1 for help. If you like this program, send me some E-Mail: mdredge@wave.co.nz Mathew.